Body Building Tips and Tricks That Work

Body Building Tips and Tricks That Work
Here's 5 body building tips and tricks that will help you build your body faster. True, you can put on muscle without using these idea. But why make it hard on yourself?

Body Building Tips and Tricks That Work

Body Building Tips : Go Big To Little

Start your workout with big lifts. Squats, bench presses, standing presses, and deadlifts - the good stuff!

Then, if you need to and have the time, use smaller lifts to specialize your body. Maybe use bicep curls (even though I hate them myself) if you want your biceps bigger. Or other smaller lifts to focus on body parts that you want improved.
Body Building Tips and Tricks That Work

My main point is that you should do the lifts that give you the most bang for your buck, time wise and energy wise, first. Then move on the exercises that will take more energy for less returns. Make your time count.

Body Building Tips : Want More Muscle? Eat Before You Workout!

OK, you've probably heard that eating right after your workout is important. And there's more than a grain of truth to that. But eating before you workout is even better!

Here's one of the important things that happens when you eat. You're giving your body the fuel and materials it needs to build your body up bigger and stronger. That means that as soon as you damage your muscles by lifting weights, you've got protein and food already digesting - giving your body the ability to start immediately building new muscle.

Body Building Tips : Count Your Calories

Want to put on weight, as muscle? Eat more.

Lose weight, as fat? Eat less.

These are the basics. Now if you want to be certain about your weight loss, or stay good while just gaining muscle, count your calories to make sure you're eating exactly the right amount.

It is a pain in the ass, but... It works. End of story.

Body Building Tips : Don't Whine About Your Setbacks or Your Genetics

These days, everybody seems to be focused on why they can't reach their goals. "I have bad genetics," or, "I don't have the time," or whatever.

If you really want it badly enough, you'll find the time. You'll find the time to work hard, really find out everything you need to know, and work around the setbacks in your life.

Everybody has stuff that doesn't go as planned. Everybody has family obligation and work and 10,000 reasons to not get their workout done.

But some people get to the gym and make progress. And others just don't. Which will you be?

Body Building Tips : Find A Routine That Works, And Stick With It

Lastly, when you find a routine that works for you and that's giving your results, stick with it! Do not change anything!

I meet so many people who say, "Well, my routine is working, but I want to get results faster so I...". If you're getting consistent results, don't do anything different. Really.

In the beginning virtually anything works, but as you lift longer and longer it becomes harder and harder to put on more muscle. If you're making progress, don't risk shooting yourself in the foot by changing things up. Keep on keeping on, and you'll reach your goals.

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